Hii,There !!!


I am a B.Tech, Final year Student of Computer Science Major at Bundelkhand University.I am skilled in various aspects of computer science but I also possess profound intreset in applied sciences, which help me significantly in solving various Problems.I am always willing to go to extra mile to pursue my endeavours in the field of computer science.

("Why Computer Science"):

"Computers facinates me" this is a comman line of all the people who are in the field of Computers Science. But for me, Computers are the best creation of human. We made computers and now these little device is solving all the problems which we are facing in this world. Now as Computer Science student I know how these little electric masterminds operates and function so I think I have some powers, Like sort of superpowers.I feel it. Like having a power to command the a machine having amazing computation power. Okay thats about it. I am getting superpowers ideas becuase I just watched Ironman, so lets move to next section.