>>>from life.moments import happiness as projects




(College Major Project)

Role: Project Lead Architect

Technology Stack

About the project

I created this application so that people can do micro transactions. For example, if someone want to send a very little money to someone like 50 paise, then here people can do that too. Yeah I know it seems childish and even not practical that why we want to send 50 paise to someone, but if you look then you'll find the appliction of this on the various blogs, which generate revenue by putting advertisements on their blogs which makes the blog filthy and bad. So if a blog owner will ask you that if you give him/her 50 paise per visit then it you might won't hesitate if that payment method is flexible.

My Approach for Solution: A user in our site do transactions with coins and the value of coin is let's say 50 pasie each. User have to take coins from us by sendings us money and we say say that you have to purchase coins worth of 20 rupees let's say, and then you can send money to anyone who is registered on our site. Then and user who want to redeem the coins will also can redeem from our site. For better security we implemented blockchain so that there is very low chances of fraud. And yeah coming to mining we made easier solutions like easy mining, including attributes of transactions like IP Address, Time stamp and amount last hash value and other. For more information see the video:


(Smart india Hackathon project)

Role: Team Member (UI/UX Developer)


Technology Stack
  • PHP
  • MongoDB
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Jquery
  • AJAX
  • Photoshop
  • illuminator

About the project

This is the project we made at Smart India Hackathon on the site, Sagar Institute of technology Bhopal, in 3 days. I was taking care of the front-end of the application because the mentors there was most concern on this part. In this project we are suppose to make a application on which users can post a project, find a permanent mentor and even give suggestions to other projects going on. We did made the project there in that rapid development enviroment and implemented everything which was suggested by our mentor.

Coming to My work in that project, I was designing the Frontend of the site accoring to our mentors their in SIH. I was like changing layouts, grids and creating new designs. I learned AJAX there while doing stuff.

[3] = Domain Finder and Network Mapper

Role: Team Member (Wrote python scripts)


Tools Used
  • Python
  • Bash Programming

About the project

This was the fun project in which we were trying do find out the hidden information of diffrent websites. like hidden paths,subdomains and other network analysis. You can see the code on my github.

[4] = Resume/Portfolio Website

Role: Solo Project


Technology Stack
  • Javascript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Jquery

About the Website

In case, if you want to know about this project then explore this website.

[5] = IET Classroom

(College Mini Project)

Role: Team Member (UI/UX Designer)


Technology Stack
  • PHP
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • Jquery
  • Photoshop
  • AJAX

About the project

So in this project we tried to make a comman meeting place to all the students in our Institute. Students can register on the website and then see their class-schedules, notice from professors and even do discussions on community sections.

Coming to my work in the project, I was reposnisble for a module name TODO list where student can plan their time and other stuff. And I was in lead for doing the UX/UI of the site.